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Reliable Water Services for Guam Residents

Water is a vital resource we all need to survive and complete daily activities. The plumbing system at your home brings you water through a network of water supply lines, using a pressurized system to push water into your home and out through faucets, showerheads, and other fixtures. This complicated network of water supply lines can encounter problems throughout its life, like pipes, fixtures, and other equipment can wear out. Barrett Plumbing can help keep your water supply system in good condition with our comprehensive water services on Guam. Please reach out to us to schedule an appointment at your location.

Water tap

Types of Water Services We Provide

At Barrett Plumbing, we provide complete services for all plumbing components, including water supply lines. Our team has the experience, knowledge, and advanced equipment needed to diagnose problems and provide repairs, maintenance, and replacements when necessary. You can count on us to provide honest and upfront service, including an explanation of the services needed and a detailed estimate for the cost of the service. We’re also always available to answer any questions about our services before we get started.

Our Team Can Complete the Following Water Services

Our team can complete the following water services for residents of the local area:

Waterline Repairs

A broken waterline can cause a big issue at your home. Our team can find the problem and patch or replace the damaged area to ensure your waterline is returned to a functional condition.

Waterline Tapping

If you are renovating your home and adding a bathroom or other plumbing fixtures, you’ll have to add new water supply lines. We can complete waterline tapping to tie the new addition into your existing pressurized water system.

Waterline Installation

We can also lay new water lines for new construction on your property or an addition to your existing structure. You can count on us to ensure the lines are correctly installed and are ready to provide your new space with water.

Leak Detection & Pipe Tracing

Sometimes, water line leaks can be difficult to locate in the vast network of pipes underground. We can use special technology to trace the underground pipes and find the leak without digging up your entire yard.

Valve and Pressure Regulator Installations

We can install a special valve, also known as a pressure regulator, to help reduce the pressure of water coming into your home through the main water line. This will help to ensure the pressure is at a safe level before it reaches any fixtures inside your house.

waterline installation

Trust the Experience of Our Team

Barrett Plumbing is the oldest plumbing company on Guam, serving the area for 48 years. Our business is family-owned and is now owned and operated by the second and third generations. Our team knows the value of hard work and is sure to put our skills to use to provide you with the best experience possible. You can trust the expertise of our team to ensure your project is done right!

Schedule an Appointment