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Guam’s Longest Running Plumbing Company

Incorporated on March 27, 1972, and serving local residents ever since, Barrett Plumbing is the longest-running plumbing and sewer company in Guam. As a family-run business, we have built a strong reputation for quality service, ensuring our customers always have a good experience. You can count on us to complete installation, repairs, and replacements of all major plumbing, septic, or sewer components at your home. If you are looking for a local reliable plumbing contractor, we are the team to call. Now passed on to the second generation of the Barrett family, we intend to continue our high level of service for the residents of Guam.


The Family Behind the Company

Barrett Plumbing started with just two employees, the founder John “Jack” Barrett and his wife, Maxine Warner Barrett. Together, they built a family company that still thrives and has been passed down to their daughters, who continue to run the company with the same dedication to hard work. Meet the family members of Barrett Plumbing and learn more about their roles in the company below:

Jessica & Jacqueline Barrett

These two sisters are daughters of the founder, Jack, and they currently own and operate the business. Jessica serves as president & Responsible Management Employee of the company. Jackie assists on the administrative duties. After working alongside her father for many years, Jessica furthered her knowledge, obtaining her bachelor’s degree in business management from UOG and earning a U.S. Department of Labor Plumbing Certificate at GCC and as well as an NCCER Project Management Certificate from Guam Trades Academy. In 2014, Jessica was recognized and honored as GWCC First Chamorro Woman Certified Plumber. In 2018, Jessica was chosen to participate in Goldman Sachs 10KSB program and most recently in 2019 was a cohort in Guam’s first SBA Emerging Leaders Program. Her achievements have not gone unnoticed, In 2016, awarded SBA as Woman in Business Champion of the Year and in 2019 was chosen as Guam Business Magazine Business Woman of the Year. Serving as Chair for Guam Contractors Association from 2019-2020 & as President for Nawic Guam from 2016-2017 and formed the 4H program Hard Hats and Huge Hearts during her term, a program that brings Nawic Guam’s members, member businesses, associates, supporters, and friends together to do some good for those in need on our island. Along with other Nawic sister companies, Jessica was a founding member of Fu’una Rising, a project that focused on lending our skill sets, knowledge, and life skills with female inmates who were due for release from prison, in hopes of providing them with a foundation to build a new and better life upon.

Maxine Barrett

The only granddaughter of the founder Jack, Maxine manages the coordination & dispatch of Team Swat, manages the daily schedule, and books the upcoming weekly and monthly appointments & standing service requests. And, on-call emergencies and after-hour requests are funneled through Maxine. Equipped with the latest technology along with her extensive experience with our vehicle tracking system, Maxine assists to expedite Team Swat response time. With her ever-expanding knowledge and continuous learning of the operations, Maxine is definitely primed and is Jessica’s right hand.

Joseph Barrett

Joseph “Joe” is the founder's oldest grandson and works as the field supervisor for all our plumbing experts. He earned his certification in 2010 and has worked in the family business for more than 15 years. Every day, he exemplifies the work ethic and professionalism instilled in him by his grandfather and prides himself on his commitment to quality and professional craftsmanship of the trade.

A Qualified Team of Professionals

Barrett Plumbing now has a team of 16 workers, all of which are local hires. We want to support our workers in the advancement of their skills, which is why we are a certified U.S. Department of Labor Apprentice Sponsor. This program allows our employees to become proficient in the plumbing trade and work toward earning a nationally recognized certificate in plumbing and other areas. Our founder, Jack, took pride in sharing his knowledge of the trade with others and promoting quality workmanship among his employees. This is a legacy the company continues today. We strive to promote the advancement of our employees, as they are a valued resource for our continued success.

Working with our company has paved the way for many of our former employees to continue in their careers and take local and federal government jobs, many of them supervisory positions. Still, others have gone on to open their own businesses. Though we’re always sad to see talented members leave our team, we’re proud to have played a role in helping them gain the knowledge and work ethic they need to succeed. We recognize that our workers likely have dreams and ambitions that reach beyond our company, and we’re happy to be a stop on their path to achieving them.

Committed to a High Level of Service

At Barrett Plumbing, we are committed to customer satisfaction. We strive to respond as quickly as possible, prioritizing jobs based on their urgency. Honest dealings, quality workmanship, and professionalism is the benchmark for every job. Mr. Barrett’s work ethic and integrity coupled with knowledge and skill laid the foundation on which our company continues to build and grow upon today. From family members, who continue to run the company, to every employee we hire, our team members toe the line to complete the job our customers call on us to handle.

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