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Professional Sewer Services on Guam

If you live in a city or populated town, your home is likely part of a municipal sewer system, which collects your plumbing waste and carries it away to be disposed of properly. Because municipal sewer systems are such an extensive network, a problem with your home’s sewer pipes could create a larger problem within the system. Barrett Plumbing is here to ensure your sewer problems are taken care of quickly so that they do not become worse. We offer a range of services to maintain and repair all components of your sewer system. Please reach out to us today to schedule service.

Man doing sewer work

Our Sewer Services

If your home is connected to the city sewer system, your wastewater exits through your sewer lines from your home, collect it and funnel it into larger sewer mains that run throughout the island. Guam Waterworks handles the maintenance and repairs of the sewer mains, it is your responsibility as the homeowner to service and maintain the sewer lines that are in private property and connect to your home are in good condition. Over time, these pipes become aged and deteriorated and also may develop blockages, sags, or root invasion, resulting in recurring clogs and backups that must be diagnosed, assessed, and addressed. Our team provides expert sewer services, including:

  • Sewer line snaking to remove clogs
  • Portable and high-pressure jetting
  • CCTV pipe inspection and pipe tracing
  • Repair and replacement of damaged sewer lines
  • Sewer connection
  • Troubleshooting to identify the cause of foul odors
Sewer repair

Guam’s Trusted Source for Sewer Services

Barrett Plumbing is Guam’s longest-running sewer and plumbing company, having served the local communities for more than four decades. As a family-owned company that’s been passed to the second generation, we have no plans to stop our stellar service anytime soon. We love helping our customers with all their plumbing and sewer needs, and we are dedicated to providing a high level of service on every job we take. You can trust us to complete your service efficiently and correctly.

Hire Us for Sewer Repairs & Maintenance

Though many homeowners tend to forget about their sewer system until something goes wrong, you can help prevent problems by having routine inspections and maintenance completed by a qualified team. Don’t wait until there is a clog, leak, or another issue to call us. Instead, take the proactive approach and let our team inspect your system and look for any concerns. This will help prevent larger problems and more expensive repair bills. Be sure to hire us for all your sewer services!

Schedule an Appointment